The ECI comes to Wytham Woods

Last Tuesday we had an opportunity to try out our new “destination” venue at Wytham Woods - an ex army parachute (retired from dropping vehicles apparently) hung between two 200 year old oak trees, fairy lights, bunting, straw bales and camp fires in the natural amphitheatre at the back of the Chalet. It is as magical as it sounds.

We had around 80 people there for the evening. Ann’s Munchies did the catering which was as wonderful as ever. For the meat eaters we served venison sausages and burgers from deer culled at Wytham - very sustainable, and low in cholesterol. (The deer numbers have to be controlled or they eat all the seedlings and we get no more trees - check out what is happening in many woodlands across the UK where deer numbers are too high.)

The group were students from across Oxford University, taking part in a course run by the Environmental Change Institute in the School of Geography and Environment called Training Better Leaders. It’s brilliant - speakers, workshops, panel discussions about sustainability issues and solutions over three intense days just before the start of term. A usual part of the course has been a College dinner on the first evening. But this year they came to Wytham Woods.

It was a fabulous evening, with a comedian, music, and lots of chat. The mile walk back down the hill, through the dark woods, looking out for badgers, was the final excitement.

(The badgers were finally spotted by the Prof as he cycled home - they were having a scrap outside the pub in the village. Sigh.)